Playing with Pi-Star: Revisions – Recent
Sep 24, 2023
Revised release number
"Add sanity check on DAPNET log data."
Jun 16, 2023
Updated Current Status of Pi-Star note
The note is now titled: The current status of hotspot-based digital amateur radio.
Jul 13, 2023
Minor fix
"Fix issue swapping to TGIF with options line set."
Jun 14, 2023
Updated Current Status of Pi-Star note
Jun 9, 2023
Updated Current Status of Pi-Star note
Jun 1, 2023
Updated Current Status of Pi-Star note
Apr 18, 2023
Updated 6e) Some great places to start playing with Pi-Star
Updated the link to the Digital Learning Net
Ham Radio DMR Nets Telegram group – A good resource for finding DMR nets. It has a quite comprehensive list of active DMR nets. Each net is displayed an hour before it goes live, making it easy to find out what's currently on the air:
Jan 21, 2023
Removed links to the Pi-Star Wiki
The links now lead to a 404 page, so I guess the site was taken down. Where possible, they links were replaced with other relevant information.
Nov 15, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20221114
Minor update.
Nov 11, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20221111
Update to make controls read better using a screen reader.
Oct 29, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20221029
Minor update to improve log parsing selectivity and consistency - ignore debug lines.
Oct 11, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20221011
Minor update to fix P25 log parsing issues.
Sep 27, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220926
Minor update to emphasize that the BrandMeister API v1 has been updated to v2 is not backward compatible.
Sep 24, 2022
Revised 5d) DMR Configuration > DMR Master
Added a note:
- To choose a good BrandMeister DMR Master, see How to select a BrandMeister Server
Sep 15, 2022
Updated 6e) Some great places to start playing with Pi-Star
Added info about the SkyHub Link System Digital Learning Net:
A good learning net – SkyHub Link System's Digital Learning Net. Hosted by KE0DC and W0SUN and held on Wednesdays at 19:00 (7pm) MST, it's an hour of Q&A about everything digital radio.
- BM DMR TG 310847
- WIRES-X 46361
- YSF 92722
Related Telegram Group: Digital Learning Net
Sep 11, 2022
Updated links to Amateur Radio: Frequency Coordinators
Thanks to ​Brian, N2OFM, for letting me know this link has changed.
Band plan: See your country's band plan and your local frequency use plan. For example, for the U.S., see: U.S. Band Plan. For the U.S. State of Colorado, see: Colorado Frequency Use Plans (especially, CCARC Guidelines on Hotspots). To find links for other U.S. states, refer to the Amateur Radio: Frequency Coordinators list by Tom, W2XQ. See also the info posted by Ron, VE1AIC: Digital Voice frequencies.
Sep 4, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220904
Added support for Polish (by pamidev); eliminate spurious PHP error messages: make logic run smoother; fix issues with calibration web interface.
Sep 2, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220901
Added support for Swedish (by SA3BPE) and integrated an MMDVM Calibration web interface (by narsp).
Aug 28, 2022
Revised the opening note to expand the info about the BrandMeister API v2 key
Aug 19, 2022: Major BrandMeister code upgrade
API functions and keys: Current API (v1) will be upgraded to a new v2. The API keys format is evolving and is not backward compatible.
Pi-Star has been updated to handle BM API v2: BrandMeister APIv2: Live (19th August 2022) by Andy Taylor, MW0MWZ.
If you have enabled the BrandMeister Manager on the Pi-Star Admin page, you'll need to replace the BM API v1 key in the Pi-Star Expert Editor on the BM API page with a BM API v2 key.
More info:
Aug 19, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220819
Pi-Star code updated to handle BrandMeister API v2.
Noted this in the opening note:
Pi-Star has been updated to handle BM API v2: BrandMeister APIv2: Live (19th August 2022) by Andy Taylor, MW0MWZ.
Aug 18, 2022
Revised the opening note
Added info about BrandMeister code upgrade; removed Understanding Pi-Star in context:
Jul 28, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220728
Minor revision to the codebase.
Jul 17, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220717
Minor revision to the codebase updating BrandMeister links.
Jun 23, 2022
Revised introductory note
Unofficial notes on setting up and getting started with Pi-Star hotspots
These are my personal notes based on setting up and getting started with using Pi-Star hotspots. I'm a non-technical user figuring things out as I go along, as well as by learning from others. The focus is personal, low-power hotspots (not repeaters). I'm sharing these notes just in case they might help anyone else get started. If anything needs correcting, please let me know.
I'm not affiliated with the Pi-Star project and I'm not providing support. If you need additional help or have more advanced questions, here are some good resources:
Official Pi-Star website, wiki, user forum, support group, tutorial videos.
Jun 22, 2022
Revised introductory note
Unofficial notes on setting up and getting started with Pi-Star
I'm not affiliated with the Pi-Star project, and I'm not providing support.
These are my personal notes based on setting up and getting started with using Pi-Star hotspots. I'm a non-technical user figuring things out as I go along, as well as by learning from others. The focus is personal, low-power hotspots (not repeaters). I'm sharing these notes just in case they might help anyone else get started. If anything needs correcting, please let me know.
The notes on this website might help beginners get started. If you need additional help or have more advanced questions, here are some good resources:
Official Pi-Star website, wiki, user forum, support group, tutorial videos.
Moved 1b) Some good resources for learning about Pi-Star
Added it to the introductory note.
May 12, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220512
Fix D-Star manual text input so that it doesn't initialize nice-select feature if there is already an onchange event.
May 11, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220511
Add nice-select support for selects with over 30 options, which adds a search option at the top of the list.
Revised 5c) General Configuration
Added a note to the Radio/Modem Type option describing the new nice-select search option:
- ★ Radio/Modem Type – The Pi-Star RPi image supports a bunch of radio/modems running on the Raspberry Pi. For a full list, see the note: Radio/modem types supported.
- Note: As of the 20220511 update, option lists with more than 30 options, like the Radio/Modem Type and DMR Master lists, have a search box at the top of the list.
- Note: As of the 20220511 update, option lists with more than 30 options, like the Radio/Modem Type and DMR Master lists, have a search box at the top of the list.
Apr 13, 2022
Revised The current status of Pi-Star note
Pi-Star V4.1.x was released as a regular version on Mar 26, 2020. It works for hotspots using all Raspberry Pi boards (except not the 8GB 64-bit RPi 4). If using a 3B+, 3A+, or 4B, you must use Pi-Star 4.1.x.
Apr 1, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220401
Added two radio/modem board options:
- Genesis - HHDVM_HS_Hat for Pi (GPIO)
- Genesis Dual - HHDVM_HS_Hat_Dual for Pi (GPIO)
Mar 26, 2022
Pending clarification from the Pi-Star team, added a bracketed alert to the Current status of Pi-Star note: [There is a report in the Pi-Star User Forum that 4.1.6 may not not work on RPi 1.1 and 2.]
Mar 13, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220313
Increased the length of the DMR Network options field to 250 characters.
Feb 20, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220220
Updated how the RadioID/QRZ ID interface is displayed.
Feb 18, 2022
Pistar-daily.cron updated
Added handling of aprs service.
Feb 16, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220216
Minor update.
Feb 10, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220210
Minor update related to POCSAG.
Feb 4, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220204
Minor fix re: Motorola ARS data issue.
Jan 18, 2022
Update to pistar-findmodem and pistar-mmdvmhshatreset commands
Per a post in the Pi-Star User Forum⩘ by Andrew M1DNS of the Pi-Star Admin Team:
New feature update seen after tonight's [Jan 18, 2022] auto updates concerning pistar-findmodem command… a pre-cursor to a coming change that will detect the modem port / speed when starting MMDVMHost and push the data into the config file. This should help a lot as modem firmwares transition to using new uart speeds.
Jan 16, 2022
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20220115
Minor tweaks.
Dec 12, 2021
Revised 12c) Worth Supporting
Added the following:
Pi-Star is built upon the foundation of MMDVM created by Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX. Jonathan shares his work freely with the amateur radio community. If you want to say thanks to him for all his great work:
Dec 7, 2021
A note from Andy about OS
"4.1.x will remain on version 10 (buster) and 4.2.x will be built on an all new bullseye build. Previously all Pi-Star images were cloned from a (long) lineage of upgraded images, 4.2 breaks the mould and is built fresh from the ground up with no history from previous systems present. Previous incarnations of Pi-Star were built on Pi-Star, this is also no longer the case, I have a dedicated build system (that uses the same core as the Raspberry Pi Foundation use to create factory images). This should streamline future OS upgrades quite a lot." (Original post on Pi-Star User Forum⩘ )
Nov 12, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star version 4.1.6 and dashboard version 20211111
Add DGIdGateway Unit files and add dgidgateway config file to the factory config set (changes related to handling of YSF, FCS, and IMRS network IDs).
Nov 9, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20211109
"Update YSFClients to squash a bug with overlapping YSF and FCS IDs."
Nov 2, 2021
Revised 6f) Digital radio courtesy
- If you're on a much used DMR talkgroup, like 3100 or 91, and you want to have a longer chat, consider moving to one of the TAC channels where ragchewing is allowed (313 – 319) to continue your chat.
Oct 30, 2021: BrandMeister announced the creation of three new worldwide TAC channels—1, 2, and 3 corresponding to talkgroups 901, 902, and 903—for moving long QSOs to when using worldwide talkgroups 91 - 95. - TAC channels should not be used as primary calling channels. The U.S. TAC channels (310 - 319) and the worldwide TAC channels (901 - 903) can't be added as static talkgroups, and also won't become auto-static. If you want a primary calling channel, try something like the U.S. Wide talkgroup 3100 or worldwide talkgroups 91 - 95. For more information, see the BrandMeister U.S. Wiki and BrandMeister Worldwide TAC talkgroups.
Oct 22, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20211021
Minor updates to MMDVMhost and MMDVMhost Config
Aug 18, 2021
5d) DMR configuration
Changed the initial Important note:
Important! Per the BrandMeister USA 2021 Summer Updates newsletter⩘ : "Hotspot Security will now be required for all simplex and duplex hotspots connecting to BrandMeister world-wide starting Oct 1, 2021. This means you are required to set a hotspot security in the dashboard and then enter the same password into your hotspots. You will not be able to use the default password of "passw0rd". See the step by step instructions by visiting BrandMeister USA Hotspot Security. This applies to 7-digit and 9-digit radio IDs only. Finally you may have already noticed there is no longer an option to enable/disable Hotspot Security in Selfcare due to this new requirement. For more, see BrandMeister News
In the DMR Master subsection, revised the bullet point about the BrandMeister password requirement:
- For the U.S. servers and in some other countries, a BrandMeister Hotspot Security password is required (will be required for all countries as of Oct 1, 2021). See the bullet point below about BM Hotspot Security for more details.
Aug 11, 2021
5d) DMR configuration
Added a final line to the note about BrandMeister password requirement: "Note also that passw0rd will not work as a password."
Important! Per Corey, N3FE: "Due to issues that have been happening recently, we are going to need to start requiring users to set a hotspot security password to gain access to the US Masters. If you already have a hotspot security password set on the bm portal, you can ignore this post. We are going to start requiring this on master 3101 Nov 30, 2020; 3102 will follow on Dec 4, 2020; and 3103 on Dec 11, 2020. This is already implemented on the RU masters, and other Master servers will follow. At this time this will just be for hotspots. The API is being worked on to allow repeater owners to make this change as well, but it is not quite ready to go. Here is a link to a post on how to set your hotspot security on the BrandMeister portal: Please configure a personalized security password for your hotspots!"
Note also that passw0rd will not work as a password.
Jul 21, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star version 4.1.5 and dashboard version 20210721
"Fixed a small issue related to Quadnet."
Jul 10, 2021
Revised 5b) MMDVMHost Configuration
Added more info to the Hangtime note:
- Note 1: The RF (Radio Frequency) hang time is measured from the beginning of a transmission. Per Andy Taylor: Hangtimes "set the amount of time that mode is 'sticky' – so if you have an incoming call over DMR from the network, how long would you like to stay stuck to DMR mode." Also, he suggests "longer timers for RF than network, so 120 secs for RF, maybe 90 secs for network … experiment and see what works the best." See also the video Pi-Star Hang Time Update by Craig, W1MSG.
Jul 5, 2021
Revised 1b) Some good resources for learning about Pi-Star
Noted the new XLX reflector for the Pi-Star multi-reflector:
Official Pi-Star website, wiki, user forum, support group, tutorial videos. and multi‑reflector (BM, DMR+, YSF, NXDN, P25: 31672; D-STAR: XLX672 E)
Jun 21, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star version 4.1.5 and dashboard version 20210621
"Fixes a small issue in the pistar-upnp.service unit file so that when the service is stopped any port-forwards it created on your router get removed (like on shutdown / reboot)."
Revised 9) Upgrading Pi-Star
Revised step 4:
Beginning with Pi-Star version 4.1.5 / Dashboard version 20210619: It's only necessary to run the Upgrade process once; the process now automatically upgrades all the way to the most recent version.
Prior versions: Run the upgrade process as many times as needed until the system reports you are on the most recent version:
You are already running the latest version…
Sleeping a few seconds before making the disk Read-Only…
Revised The current status of Pi-Star note
Pi-Star V4.1.x was released as a regular version on Mar 26, 2020. It can be downloaded from the Pi-Star website (now at V4.1.5):
Jun 17, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210617:
New MMDVMHost to fix D-Star DTMF issues, DMRGateway datestamp updated; Modify the shutdown to sync the disk rather than sleep; Create pistar-bridgecomflash.
Jun 15, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210615:
Minor update to ircDDBGateway.
Jun 12, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210611:
Minor fix.
Jun 10, 2021
Revised current status of Pi-Star note
Made a note of the newly posted respin image of 4.1.4:
The current status of Pi-Star
Pi-Star V4.1.x was released as a regular version on Mar 26, 2020. It can be downloaded from the Pi-Star website (now at V4.1.4):
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210609:
Added additional network password options.
Jun 8, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210608:
Tweaked XLX startup functionality.
Jun 7, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210607:
Added XLX to the startup list; more under-the-hood work on MMDVMHost, DMRGateway, and ircDDBGateway; minor fix to pistar-update.
Jun 5, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210605:
Under-the -ood changes to update to new versions of G4KLX stack and CA7JAU cross-mode; to add in the foundation for future changes including dg_id Gateway and M17 Gateway; to update D-STAR, ircDDBGateway, and DStarRepeater.
Jun 3, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210602:
Minor fixes related to UPnP syntax
May 18, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210517:
Minor changes related to FreeDMR. Also, a change to how the update script concludes. Previously: "Updates complete, sleeping for a few seconds before making the disk Read-Only," after which my hotspots were almost always left in Read-Write mode. Now: "Updates complete, syncing disk cache before making the disk Read-Only," and so far my hotspots are being left in Read-Only mode. If that holds, a nice little fix!
May 13, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210513:
Minor update.
Apr 28, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210428:
Added field for FreeDMR DRM Master options, as well as a link to the FreeDMR Options Guide.
Revised 5d)
Updated introductory section:
How you configure DMR depends on the DMR Master you select. All of the Master choices include four basic DMR options—ESSID, Color Code, EmbeddedLCOnly, and Dump TAData—displayed below the selected DMR Master, which are described in more detail below.
If you choose a BrandMeister Master, you'll also see the BM Hotspot Security password option, as well as links to BrandMeister Repeater Info and SelfCare:
Updated DMR Master section:
- ☆ DMR Master (a master server connects you to the rest of the system):
- If you want to use only a specific system – Choose a BrandMeister (BM), DMR+, FreeDMR, TGIF, or HB master. With any of these, everything is simpler as you'll see only options specifically for the selected system.
Updated DMR ESSID section:
- ☆ DMR ESSID – If you are using an extended SSID (ESSID), select the extension. Note: Normally, you should make sure that you're logged into DMR in only one place, or else that you are using different CCS7/DMR IDs for each login instance (for example, if you're running DMR on one hotspot and YSF2DMR on another). However, on the BrandMeister, DMR+, FreeDMR, TGIF, and HB networks, you have the option of appending a two-digit extension (00 - 99) to your regular CCS7/DMR ID so that the network can distinguish between your logins. Some DMR Plus servers use single-digit extensions. Personal, low-power hotspots also can use ESSIDs (but repeaters don't).
Apr 24, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210424:
Minor update.
Apr 23, 2021
Revised 5d) DMR Configuration
Added the following note to the BrandMeister Master option:
- BrandMeister Master – Choose a nearby master server.
Note: On Apr 23, 2021, BrandMeister USA announced that they will decommission Master Server 3101 by Dec 1, 2021. They are asking users to move to the new Master Server 3104. Announcement PDF
Apr 18, 2021
Moved the Mar 12, 2021: DMR Host Files - Changes note to the Pi-Star Troubleshooting article.
Added the following new note:
Mar 23, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210322:
Minor updated related to how the aprs and ircddb hostnames are displayed when they are enabled.
Mar 20, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210319:
Minor fix related to how DMRGateway logins are handled.
Mar 16, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210316:
Minor fix related to display of YSF2DMR configuration settings.
Mar 12, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210312:
If one of your DMR services is failing to log in, in the Network Status module, DMR Net will now be highlighted yellow.
Revised Current status of Pi-Star note
Added the following:
Revised 6b) Admin view
Updated 2nd paragraph: Info and manager modules – The upper portion of Admin view shows Gateway Hardware Info and Service Status, as well as modules for D-STAR Link Info and Manager, BrandMeister Active Connections and Manager, YSF, P25, and NXDN Link Managers, and on the left: Modes Enabled, Network Status, and Radio Info.
- Added a note: Network Status: If one of your DMR services is failing to log in, DMR Net will be highlighted yellow.
Mar 5, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210305:
Minor update to keep YSFGateway APRS description up to date.
Feb 25, 2021
Revised 5f) Yaesu System Fusion Configuration
Changed the section heading by adding "(YSF Config)" so that someone searching for "YSF Config" can find that section easily. To avoid search engine confusion, I also changed the section ID from id="fusionconfig" to id="ysfconfig" and the references to that section from href="#fusionconfig" to href="#ysfconfig".
Feb 24, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210224:
Minor fix related to handling of QuadNet (
Feb 21, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210221:
Increased the input length of the DMR Access List option.
Feb 20, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210220:
Added a DMR Access List option (see next for description).
Revised 5c) General configuration
Updated Node Type Note 2 description:
- Note 2: If you're using Node Type = Public and DMR, an additional option is displayed:
☆ DMR Access List – You can create a comma-separated list of the DMR IDs that should have access to the hotspot. If you leave this blank, a yellow highlighted alert will be displayed above the dashboard: "Alert: You are running a hotspot in public mode without an access list for DMR, this setup *could* participate in network loops!"
Revised 5f) Yaesu System Fusion Configuration
Added a hint:
- ☆ YSF Startup Host – Choose the YSF startup host you want to use.
Hint: Don't choose Parrot as your startup host as that setting can interfere with using the WiresX All button to see the Reflector List. Thanks to Jordan, WC6J for figuring this out.
Note: FCS support, including the option to pick an FCS YSF Startup Host, requires Pi-Star Dashboard v20180503 or later.
Feb 14, 2021
Revised article
Revised Raspbian OS to Raspberry Pi OS to reflect the name change implemented by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Feb 13, 2021
Revised The current status of Pi-Star note
Revised it to reflect that version 3.4.x has been retired.
Feb 12, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210212:
Update to add APRS toggle.
Revised 5c) General configuration
Updated image:
Added this bullet:
- ☆ APRS Host Enable – When enabled (default), your location will be public.
Deleted this note:
- Note: You can disable APRS: Expert Editor > ircDDBGateway > aprsEnable = 0 (off) or 1 (on).
Feb 11, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210211:
Update to BrandMeister API v2.
Feb 10, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210210:
Minor updates and fixes.
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210209:
Minor updates and fixes.
Feb 8, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210208:
P25-related fix.
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210207:
Updates to the pistar-expand script and the apt tool, and a fix related to OLED screens.
Revised 6b) Admin view
Updated Admin view image:
Feb 6, 2021
Revised 6b) Admin view
Updated the Info and manager modules text, and the Link Managers note:
Info and manager modules – The upper portion of Admin view shows Gateway Hardware Info and Service Status, as well as modules for D-STAR Link Info and Manager, BrandMeister Active Connections and Manager, and YSF, P25, and NXDN Link Managers.
- Link Managers: Optional way for reflector linking/unlinking. The D-STAR Reflector list includes a Text Entry option for linking to reflectors and repeaters. See also Linking to reflectors from the command line.
Feb 5, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210205:
New NXDNGateway and P25Gateway (need to click Apply Changes on the Configuration page), and added apt tool.
Feb 4, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210204:
Minor fixes related to NXDN and APRS.
Feb 3, 2021
Revised The current status of Pi-Star note
On Mar 26, 2020, Pi-Star V4.1.0 was released as a regular version. It can be downloaded from the Pi-Star website (now at V4.1.4):
Feb 3, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210203:
Minor fixes related to YSF cross modes.
Feb 2, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210201:
Version number updated (changes noted in yesterday's revision).
Revised 5c) General Configuration
Added a note about APRS:
- Note: You can disable APRS: Expert Editor > ircDDBGateway > aprsEnable = 0 (off) or 1 (on).
Feb 1, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star version 4.1.4 and dashboard version 20210131 (dashboard version number unchanged, even though there is a significant update on 20210201):
Added APRSGateway, and added an alert for people running older versions of Pi-Star (before 4.1) that there is a newer version available (displays in a yellow highlighted bar above the dashboard). Andy Taylor posted this in the forum:
dPRS was broken as part of an update to ircDDBGateway;
This has been solved in Pi-Star 4.1.4 (update > upgrade > head to the config page and press apply).
This adds APRSGateway (now required for ircDDBGateway and will soon be required for other daemons too).
Once I have added some more, I will also add a feature to turn APRS on/off more easily.
Jan 31, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210131:
Minor changes related to YSF.
Jan 29, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210129:
Minor fixes.
Jan 28, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210128:
Changed the callsign url link behavior, added a link to GPS coordinates, other minor changes/fixes.
Revised 5c) General Configuration
Updated the URL field description to correctly note its behavior:
- ★ URL – Based on the hotspot callsign, this link is presented to the networks you connect to, for example, BrandMeister. By default, the link is to QRZ:[CALLSIGN]. If you want to use this, select Auto; alternatively, you can select Manual and add whatever link you want, for example, a link to your own website.
Revised 6a) Dashboard view
Updated images to reflect new functionality, as well as that the words "Linked to:" have been removed from the Network fields. Also updated notes:
- Hint: Click callsign to open linked info page at RadioID or QRZ (to switch between the two: Expert Editor > CSS Tool > Lookup > enter Service name exactly: QRZ or RadioID). Click GPS to open linked coordinates page.
- Bandwidth: The dashboard is optional and takes a lot of bandwidth. If you have a metered data plan, you might want to run Pi-Star without it most of the time.
- Src (source): Displays RF (Radio Frequency) when you transmit from your radio to the hotspot, which then sends data via internet. Displays Net (internet) when data is being received from internet by hotspot, which retransmits as RF to your radio.
- Loss: Indicates data quality loss on data coming in from internet.
- Modes & cross modes: When enabled, their info is displayed in left column.
Revised 6b) Admin view
Updated images to reflect new functionality.
Jan 27, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210127:
Added a way to control behavior of the callsign URL; other minor changes.
Revised 5c) General Configuration
Updated the URL field description to note its new behavior in dashboard version 20210127.
- ★ URL – Adds a link to data for the callsign associated with the hotspot at[YourCallsign]. If you want to use this, select Auto; alternatively, you can select Manual and add whatever link you want, for example, a link to a different callsign or to your own website.
Hint: You also can switch to using QRZ lookups. To switch: Expert Editor > CSS Tool > Lookup. The Service name has to be entered exactly: QRZ (popupWidth: 800; popupHeight: 700) or RadioID (popupWidth: 600; popupHeight: 600).
Revised 5m) Remote Access Password
Changed the section title, added links to two new subsections, as well as subheaders for them:
★ 5m) Auto AP SSID PSK & Remote Access Password
Used to create a unique password for connecting to the Auto AP access point, which would then override the default password, "raspberry".
This override password is separate from the Remote Access Password (which is used for accessing Pi-Star Admin and Configuration settings, and for SSH access; see following section).
Remote Access Password
Jan 25, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210125:
Added Auto AP SSID PSK configuration option, changed behavior of callsign URL, other minor changes.
Revised 5c) General Configuration
Updated the URL field description to note its new behavior in dashboard version 20210125.
- ★ URL – Adds a link to data for the callsign associated with the hotspot at[YourCallsign]. If you want to use this, select Auto; alternatively, you can select Manual and add whatever link you want, for example, a link to your website.
Revised 7) Backing up and restoring Pi-Star
Pi-Star Backup now backs up custom CSS settings, so removed the following bullet:
- Expert Editor > CSS Tool – Custom CSS settings aren't backed up. If you change CSS settings, write them down so you can manually restore them.
Jan 13, 2021
Revised release number
Noted the release of Pi-Star dashboard version 20210111:
Merged updated Japanese translation, and a minor fix.
Jan 11, 2021
Revised section 5e) D-STAR configuration
Made a small correction to the following bullet point to update the reference from "see section 5l" to "see section 5m".
- Note: This is different from the Remote Access Password (see section 5m below) that is used for accessing the Pi-Star Admin and Configuration settings, as well as for SSH access.
Revised section 7) Backing up and restoring Pi-Star
Clarified the following bullet point:
- Remote Access Password – (For more info about this password, see section 5m.) For security reasons Pi-Star backup does not back up this password, and restoring your configuration settings from a backup will not reset this password. If you changed this password from the default "raspberry" to a stronger custom password (which for security purposes is a good idea), then subsequently forgot that custom password, the easiest thing to do is start over with a fresh Pi-Star image to regain access to Pi-Star Admin. and Configuration settings, as well as SSH access. Once you have installed a fresh image, you can restore your saved configuration to restore your other settings.
Revised section 4a) For all boot-ups
Clarified the following note:
Note: If your hotspot has an external display attached to its Raspberry Pi (unusual), you can watch Pi-Star start up until the login prompt is displayed, but don't log in there because you can't set up Pi-Star via the hotspot.
Jan 8, 2021
Revised The current status of Pi-Star note
Updated the final bullet point:
- If you're running a hotspot based on a Raspberry Pi 3B, Zero W, or earlier, you can still download and use the Pi-Star V3.4.17 release; however, it hasn't been getting any new features for over a year now and in early 2021, an official member of the Pi-Star team described it⩘ as: "an outdated, no longer supported image." So at this time, Pi-Star V4.1.x is a much better choice.
Jan 2, 2021
Removed the note at the beginning of the article: "Nov 19, 2020: Important note about BrandMeister Security." But the note is still available in the 5d) DMR Configuration section of the article.