Playing with Pi-Star

Unofficial notes on setting up and getting started with Pi-Star hotspots

Revised: Sep 24, 2023Open in new tab regular; Versions: V4.1.6Open in new tab regular · 20230924Open in new tab regular; CC BY-SAOpen in new tab regular; PDFsOpen in new tab regular
As of Jan 1, 2024, these Playing with Pi-Star notes are no longer being actively updated. They will remain available for some time for legacy reference.
Most up-to-date version:

Please note: These are my personal notes based on setting up and getting started with using Pi-Star hotspots. I'm a non-technical user figuring things out as I go along, as well as by learning from others. The focus is personal, low-power hotspotsOpen in new tab regular (not repeaters). I'm sharing these notes just in case they might help anyone else get started. If anything needs correcting, please let me knowOpen in new tab regular.

I'm not affiliated with the Pi-Star project and I'm not providing support. If you need additional help or have more advanced questions, here are some good resources:
Official Pi-Star websiteOpen in new tab regular, user forumOpen in new tab regular, support groupOpen in new tab regular, tutorial videosOpen in new tab regular.

Note: Pi-Star is built upon the foundation of MMDVM created by Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX. Jonathan shares his work freely with the amateur radio community.

1) Learning Pi-Star

Pi-Star is digital voice software for personal, low-power hotspotsOpen in new tab regular, as well as repeaters. It can handle DMROpen in new tab regular, D‑STAROpen in new tab regular, and YSF, as well as P25, NXDN, POCSAG, and multiple cross modes when used with a multi-mode digital voice modem that supports those modes.

Andy Taylor, MW0MWZ, the main developer, says this on his Pi-Star websiteOpen in new tab regular: "Pi‑Star can be whatever you want it to be, from a simple single mode hotspot running simplex providing you with access to the increasing number of Digital Voice networks, up to a public duplex multimode repeater!"

Pi-Star is relatively easy to set up for a personal hotspot, so don't be put off by the length of this article. It's long because it covers a lot of the rich set of features and configuration options, beyond what's needed to set it up for the first time.

1a) To get up and running

Go through the setup steps in sections 1 - 5, marked with a solid red star.
Also go through the steps marked with an outlined red star for the modes you want to use. Choose from DMR, D-STAR, YSF, P25, NXDN, and POCSAG.

1b) Having trouble?

For some hints about how to proceed, see: Pi-Star troubleshootingOpen in new tab regular.

1c) Using D-STAR? Be sure to set up your radio properly!

For most simplex hotspots, you must use D-STAR Repeater (DR) or Duplex mode: set up RPT1, RPT2, and a zero offset (either +/−0.000). See: Use DR modeOpen in new tab regular and D-STAR Radio Primer for using Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular video by Craig, W1MSG.

2) Downloading Pi-Star

If your hotspot came with a microSD card loaded with the Pi-Star image, skip ahead to step 3a. Otherwise, download the image from Pi-Star DownloadsOpen in new tab regular to a Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer (not the hotspot). If your hotspot uses a Raspberry Pi, download the RPi image. Pi-Star 4.1.x works for hotspots based on all Raspberry Pi boards, and must be used for hotspots based on a Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3A+, or 4B board.

Pi-Star downloads page

3) Flashing Pi-Star

Extract the downloaded Pi-Star image zip file, and then flash the image file itself (ends in .img) to a 4GB or higher microSD card. A good app for this is Etcher by balenaOpen in new tab regular, available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

You can dismiss any system message you get that says you need to format the microSD card when you first insert it or after you finish flashing the image. Etcher formats the card, writes the image, and verifies it was written correctly.

Etcher for Windows with SanDisk microSD card superimposed

3a) Preparing to connect to WiFi

Using the built-in Auto AP (Auto Access Point) method

If you're using Pi-Star 3.4.11 or later with a recent Raspberry Pi* and Auto AP is enabled (which is the default), you don't need to do anything else to prepare to connect to WiFi. You can jump to section: 3b) Preparing for first boot up.

*Zero W/2 W, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, or 4B. Also works with some WiFi dongles: list of dongles that workOpen in new tab.

Manually preparing to connect to WiFi

If you can't use Auto AP or you just like to do things manually, after you finish flashing the image to a microSD card, you can manually add your initial WiFi settings to the boot partition so they'll auto-install on first boot up:

  1. Create a wpa_supplicant.conf file with your WiFi settings:
  2. Copy the wpa_supplicant.conf file to the microSD card's boot partition. Note: The next time you boot up Pi-Star, the file is automatically moved to /etc/wpa_supplicant/, so you won't find it in the boot partition anymore.

3b) Preparing for first boot up

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and insert the microSD card into your hotspot.

4) Booting up Pi-Star

Okay, take a deep breath: step 4 can be the most challenging one. What you need to do depends on your circumstances. Do all the following that apply:

Overview of Pi-Star Auto AP boot-up steps for a new wireless network:
Auto AP setup - Step 1: Computer WiFi is connected to your wireless network. Power on the Pi-Star hotspot to start the boot-up process. Auto AP setup - Step 2: After boot-up, Pi-Star begins looking for known wireless networks. Auto AP setup - Step 3: If no know network found within 2 minutes, Pi-Star Auto AP creates an access point: name = Pi-Star-Setup; password = raspberry (Auto AP require RPi 3B, Zero, or newer). Auto AP setup - Step 4: Connect computer WiFi to Pi-Star-Setup. In computer browser, go to Pi-Star (http://pi-star.local/ or http://pi-star/) > Configuration > Wireless Configuration, and add your wireless network. Auto AP setup - Step 5: Power off and then restart Pi-Star hotspot. While restarting, reconnect computer WiFi to wireless network. Auto AP setup - Step 6: After Pi-Star hotspot reboots, Auto AP will connect to now known wireless network. In computer browser, go to Pi-Star (http://pi-star.local/ or http://pi-star/).
PDF: 2-Pi-Star_Auto_AP.pdf · Related video: Pi-Star WiFi Auto APOpen in new tab by Craig, W1MSG

4a) For all boot-ups

  1. Power on your hotspot.
  2. Wait for Pi-Star to boot up, which normally takes a minute or so (a bit longer when using a slower Raspberry Pi like the RPi Zero W).
    Note: If your hotspot has an external display attached to its Raspberry Pi (unusual), you can watch Pi-Star start up until the login prompt is displayed, but don't log in there because you can't set up Pi-Star via the hotspot.

4b) If using Auto AP and setting up a new WiFi connection

Perform this step when you start Pi-Star for the first time or when you need to connect to a new WiFi network, for example, when traveling. When Pi-Star doesn't find a known network within about three minutes after power on, Auto AP will automatically activate its own access point, and you'll use that to connect to Pi-Star in order to configure WiFi settings.

  1. Wait at least three minutes for Auto AP to activate its access point.
  2. On a Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer (not the hotspot itself) that has WiFi enabled, look in the WiFi settings to find the Pi-Star access point, and then select it to connect to it:
    • If you're starting Pi-Star for the first time, it'll be named "Pi-Star-Setup." This is what it looks like on a Mac:
      WiFi selector on macOS - first time startup
    • If this isn't the first time, but you need to connect to a new WiFi network, it'll be named using the hotspot's hostname, by default, "pi-star" (or whatever you changed it to in the General Configuration settings).
  3. Enter the Pi-Star-Setup network security password: raspberry.
    Authentication Required
    • Note: Depending on your computer, the network password may be called the WPA2 password, the Network Security Key, or something else. You may need to enter the password a few times.

4c) For all boot ups

On a Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer (not the hotspot itself) that has WiFi enabled, open a browser window and navigate to:

Note: On some mobile devices, the url won't work. In that case, you can try the Auto AP mobile IP address:

4d) If starting Pi-Star for the first time

You'll be greeted by a "No Mode Defined" screen, which is normal because you haven't yet configured the mode to use.

No Mode Defined

  1. At this point, you can either click the Configuration link or wait 10 seconds to be redirected automatically to the Configuration page.
  2. If you're running Pi-Star 4.1.2 or later, you won't need to authenticate (this applies only when using Auto AP). If you're running an earlier version of Pi-Star, Configuration requires signing in. The default user name is pi-star and the default password is raspberry (all lowercase). You can change the default password later on in the configuration process.

4e) If using Auto AP and setting up a new WiFi connection

Perform this step when you start Pi-Star for the first time or when you need to connect to a new WiFi network, for example, when traveling.

  1. If you're not already in Configuration view, click the Configuration link and log in with your Pi-Star user name and password.
  2. In the Configuration view, scroll down to the Wireless Configuration section.
  3. To add or modify your WiFi network connections, click Configure WiFi.
  4. Select your country code and then click Scan for Networks. Wait 10 secs.
    Note: If the scan doesn't find the network you want, you can add it manually, as discussed below: 5k) Wireless Configuration.
    WiFi configuration
  5. In the list of networks found, select the one you want.
    WiFi configuration 2
  6. PSK: Type the wireless network password. The PSK field will turn green.
    WiFi configuration 3
  7. Click Save (and connect). When Auto AP is active, this step will only save; it won't connect. Wait a few moments for it to save (PSK field will turn white again), power off your Pi-Star hotspot, and then restart it.
  8. While the hotspot is restarting, reconnect your computer to the regular WiFi network you're using.
  9. After the hotspot restarts, Pi-Star will connect to the new WiFi network you added. On a Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer (not the hotspot itself) that has WiFi enabled, open the Pi-Star dashboard by navigating again to: http://pi-star/ or http://pi-star.local/.
    If you can't re-open the dashboard, see the note Trouble re-opening the dashboard after updatingOpen in new tab regular.

Congratulations! You've finished the most difficult part of setting up Pi-Star.

5) Performing initial Pi-Star configuration

After authentication, the Configuration view is displayed. I'm going to discuss these configuration settings in three parts: 5.1) Basic, 5.2) Digital mode, 5.3) Additional.

5.1) Basic configuration settings

This first set of configuration settings covers the Control Software, MMDVMHost Configuration (if MMDVMHost is enabled), and General Configuration.

5a) Control Software

Basic configuration settings - Control Software
( Why is this blue? Because just for fun I changed the app's colors using Pi-Star's CSS ToolOpen in new tab regular. )

5b) MMDVMHost Configuration

The section is displayed only if you chose MMDVMHost as Controller Software.

Basic configuration settings - MMDVMHost Configuration

5c) General Configuration

Basic configuration settings - General Configuration

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

5.2) Digital mode configuration settings

Configure the mode(s) you'll be using. Hint: If you're configuring Pi-Star for the first time, start with just one mode in order to become familiar with Pi-Star.

5d) DMR Configuration

How you configure DMR depends on the DMR Master you select. All of the Master choices include four basic DMR options—ESSID, Color Code, EmbeddedLCOnly, and Dump TAData—displayed below the selected DMR Master, which are described in more detail below.

If you choose a BrandMeister Master, you'll also see the BM Hotspot Security password option, as well as links to BrandMeister Repeater Info and SelfCare:

Important! Per the BrandMeister USA 2021 Summer Updates newsletter⩘ : "Hotspot Security will now be required for all simplex and duplex hotspots connecting to BrandMeister world-wide starting Oct 1, 2021. This means you are required to set a hotspot security in the dashboard and then enter the same password into your hotspots. You will not be able to use the default password of "passw0rd". See the step by step instructions by visiting BrandMeister USA Hotspot SecurityOpen in new tab regular. This applies to 7-digit and 9-digit radio IDs only. Finally you may have already noticed there is no longer an option to enable/disable Hotspot Security in Selfcare due to this new requirement. For more, see BrandMeister NewsOpen in new tab regular

If you choose a DMR+, FreeDMR, or HB Master, you'll also see a field for Options:

Digital mode configuration settings - DMR+

If you choose the DMRGateway Master, you'll see options for three networks—BrandMeister, DMR+, and XLX—in addition to the basic options:

Digital mode configuration settings - DMRGateway

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

[1] For more info related to the way DMRGateway works with networks, see: DMRGateway notesOpen in new tab · BrandMeister dynamic, static, and auto-static talkgroupsOpen in new tab · Constellation reflectorsOpen in new tab
See also: BrandMeister talkgroup listOpen in new tab · DMR+ reflector listOpen in new tab

DMR cross-mode configuration

Pi-Star supports the capability to run DMR2YSF and DMR2NXDN cross modes. For more info, see Pi-Star cross modesOpen in new tab regular.

5e) D-STAR Configuration

Digital mode configuration settings - D-STAR

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

[2] David, PA7LIM, the ham behind the BlueDV apps, also created Android and i0S "ircDDB Remote" apps, which handle REF, XRF, and DCS reflector connections. For more info, see the videos:

[3] X-Reflectors that use either the older Dextra protocol or the FreeStar protocol require port forwarding in order for Pi-Star to connect to them. This doesn't apply to X-Reflectors running the newer Dextra Enhanced protocol. If you want to manually set up port forwarding, see the note: Port forwardingOpen in new tab.

5f) Yaesu System Fusion Configuration (YSF Config)

Digital mode configuration settings - YSF

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

See also: YSF reflector listOpen in new tab · FCS reflector listOpen in new tab. The reflector lists include the YSF DTMF codes.

YSF cross-mode configuration

Pi-Star supports the capability to run YSF2DMR, YSF2NXDN, and YSF2P25 cross modes. For more info, see Pi-Star cross modesOpen in new tab regular.

5g) P25 Configuration

Digital mode configuration settings - P25

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

See also: P25 reflector listOpen in new tab

5h) NXDN Configuration

Digital mode configuration settings - NXDN

Make sure your ZUMspot/MMDVM_HS firmware is updated to v1.4.0Open in new tab regular or higher.

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

See also: NXDN reflector listOpen in new tab · NXDN ForumOpen in new tab.

5i) POCSAG Configuration

Digital mode configuration settings - POCSAG

POCSAG is an asynchronous protocol developed by the Post Office Code Standardisation Advisory Group that is used to transmit data to pagers. The DAPNETOpen in new tab regular (Decentralized Amateur Paging Network) network, which is operated by amateur radio enthusiasts, is based on POCSAG.

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

5.3) Additional configuration settings

5j) Mobile GPS Configuration

Additional configuration settings - Mobile GPS Configuraiton

If you have a GPS unit attached to your hotspot, you can enable Mobile GPS to update your GPS coordinates.

5k) Firewall Configuration

Additional configuration settings - Firewall Configuraiton

Dashboard Access, ircDDBGateway Remote, SSH Access

Note: These settings have no effect if your router doesn't support uPNP or you disabled either your router's uPNP or Pi-Star's uPNP setting (see previous).

These settings are used for accessing the dashboard remotely, from outside your network. Per Andy Taylor in the Pi-Star Users Support Group: "These settings tell the uPNP daemon to request port forwards from your router."

Auto AP (Auto Access Point)

The Auto AP feature, which works with the Raspberry Pi 3, Zero W, and newer was added in version 3.4.11. If the feature is enabled (which is the default), after Pi-Star boots up (takes about a minute), it will attempt to connect to a known WiFi network. If it can't connect within another two minutes after boot up, Auto AP automatically activates its own network access point, which you can use to connect to Pi-Star in order to configure WiFi settings.

Auto AP makes it easier to connect to a new WiFi networks when you start Pi-Star for the first time or when you need to connect to a new WiFi network, for example, when traveling. For more info, see above: 4) Booting up Pi-Star.

Some additional notes about Auto AP:

uPNP (Universal Plug and Play)

Note: If your router doesn't support uPNP or you disabled your router's uPNP capability, then this setting has no effect.

If any changes made, click Apply Changes.

Note: Billy, KB4AAA, posted an interesting method in the Pi-Star User Forum for remotely accessing the Pi-Star dashboard privately without needing to change the IP address or forward ports: Ultimate remote dashboard accessOpen in new tab

5l) Wireless Configuration

Additional configuration settings - Wireless Configuraiton

  1. To add or modify your WiFi network connections, click Configure WiFi.
  2. You then have two options:
    Scan for WiFi networks
    1. Select your country code, and then click Scan for Networks. Wait 10 secs. If the scan doesn't find the network you want, you can add it using the manual method described next.
      WiFi configuration
    2. In the list of networks found, select the one you want.
      Important! Some radio/modem boards require the WPA or WPA2 security standard, and won't work with WEP.
      WiFi configuration 2
    Manually add a WiFi network
    1. Select your country code, and then click Add Network.
      WiFi configuration - add network
    2. SSID: Type the wireless network name. Note: A space in the network name can cause problems with connecting to some routers.
      Add WiFi network
  3. PSK: Type the wireless network password. The PSK field will turn green.
    WiFi configuration 3
  4. Click Save (and connect). It may not look like anything is happening, but give it time until it's finished and the PSK field turns white again.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Auto AP note: If you're setting up a wireless connection using Auto AP, this step will only save; it won't connect. Wait a few moments for the save to complete, and then power your hotspot off and back on again.
    1. While the hotspot is restarting, reconnect your computer to the regular WiFi network you're using.
    2. After the hotspot reboots, Pi-Star will connect to the new WiFi network.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  5. Optionally, you can add additional wireless network connections. If you have multiple wireless network connections, when you boot up Pi-Star, it will scan each one in turn based on its priority until it finds one to connect to:
    • Be patient, each connection attempt takes about 40 seconds.
    • The first wireless network connection you add is given an ID of 0 and a priority of 100. For each additional wireless network connection you add, the ID is increased by one and the priority is decreased by one. Thanks to Bob, N0YWB, for his post in the Pi-Star Users Support Group explaining how this works.
    • For more info, see: Manually adding WiFi settings to RPiOpen in new tab regular.

Hint 1: If you have one or more WiFi networks set up and choose to use an Ethernet connection instead of WiFi in location where both are available, you can temporarily turn off WiFi if you're running Pi-Star 4.x. Log into Pi-Star via SSH and then run: sudo rfkill block wifi. To re-enable WiFi, simply reboot Pi-Star, or run: sudo rfkill unblock wifi. Thanks to Tom, PA2TSL, for this hint in the Pi-Star User Forum.

Hint 2: If you need to set a static IP address for your hotspot, you can edit the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file to add the entries, for example:
interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Thanks to Dan, KA5TAA, for this hint.

5m) Auto AP SSID PSK & Remote Access Password


Used to create a unique password for connecting to the Auto AP access point, which would then override the default password, "raspberry".


This override password is separate from the Remote Access Password (which is used for accessing Pi-Star Admin and Configuration settings, and for SSH access; see following section).

Remote Access Password

Used for accessing Pi-Star Admin and Configuration settings, and for SSH access.

Strongly recommended: In order to protect your settings and network, change the password from the default to something stronger and more challenging to hack. A challenging password is even more critical if you make your dashboard publicly accessible in the Firewall Configuration section.

Remote Access Password configuration

  1. The user name is pi-star, and can't be changed. This is different from the Hostname that can be changed in the General Configuration settings.
  2. In the Password field, type your new password, preferably something long and strong.
    Note: Some special characters work for accessing Pi-Star Admin and Configuration settings, but not for SSH. For example, a tilde symbol (~) works for logging into Pi-Star Admin, but not for signing in via SSH.
    Hint: In general, avoid using special characters in the password that may cause issues, such as: ?{}|&~!()^"
  3. Confirm your password. Once you have typed an identical password, the field turns from red to green.
  4. Once you get the green confirmation, click Set Password.
  5. Once the password has been set, the Authentication Required dialog box will be presented, and you can sign in using your new password.

6) Running Pi-Star

Once you've finished the initial configuration, running Pi-Star is easy. Just start your hotspot and give Pi-Star a minute or so to fully boot up. As long as you have your radio set up correctly, you can then start using digital modes.

Important! The regulations and best practices that apply to amateur radio—including use of frequencies, control of our stations, and on-air courtesy—also apply to our use of personal, low-power hotspots. It's our responsibility to understand and adhere to those regulations and best practices. My personal practice is that I power on my personal, low-power hotspots only when I'm monitoring and in control of them, adhere to my local band and frequency use plans, and leave adequate pauses between transmissions. For more about this, see Hotspot best practicesOpen in new tab regular.

Important! A common issue with new hotspots is high Bit Error Rate (BER > 1%). If you experience this when transmitting, see Fine tuning to reduce high BEROpen in new tab regular.

6a) Dashboard view

Optionally, you can open the Pi-Star dashboard on any Windows, Mac, or Linux computer (not the hotspot) connected to the same network as the hotspot by browsing to (use trailing slash) http://pi-star/ for Windows, or http://pi-star.local/. Enabled modes are highlighted green, and you can monitor activity.

Pi-Star dashboard

6b) Admin view

To see more info, switch to the Admin view (requires authentication).

Info and manager modules – The upper portion of Admin view shows Gateway Hardware Info and Service Status, as well as modules for D-STAR Link Info and Manager, BrandMeister Active Connections and Manager, YSF, P25, and NXDN Link Managers, and on the left: Modes Enabled, Network Status, and Radio Info.

Pi-Star Admin console - upper

  1. Here's how the Radio Info TRX section works (for simplex modems):
  2. When you are connected to one or more modes and there is no activity on any of them, the Radio Info TRX section will be green and will display "Listening." If multiple modes are enabled, while in this status, the modem will monitor all active modes in turn:
    Pi-Star Radio Info TRX - Listening
  3. If you transmit and the modem receives it, the Radio Info TRX section will be green and will display "RX [mode]." If the modem receives a transmission from someone else and transmits it to your radio, the Radio Info TRX section will be red and will display "TX [mode]" (if the mode is DMR, it also displays the time slot). While in the TX status, you can't break in with your own transmission.
    Pi-Star Radio Info TRX - Mode-specific RX or TX activity
  4. Immediately after RX or TX status and for the length of the hangtime, the TRX section will be orange and will display "Listening [mode]." While in this status, you can transmit or receive, but only in the mode that the modem is listening to:
    Pi-Star Radio Info TRX - Mode-specific listening
  5. If no new activity occurs during the hangtime, the TRX section will revert to general "Listening." While is this status, you can transmit or receive in any active mode.

Activity modules – The lower portion of Admin view displays activity modules.

Pi-Star Admin console - lower

6c) Live Logs view

From the Admin view, you can select the Live Logs view, which starts a more detailed live logging process that can be useful for troubleshooting. It can be helpful to open Live Logs view in a new tab or a different browser so you can look back and forth between the dashboard and the log.

There also are more specific logs you can check in the /var/log directory:

Hint: There's a link at the bottom of Live Logs view to download it as a text file. Key: D = Debug; M = Message; I = Info. See also: Pi-Star troubleshootingOpen in new tab.

6d) Changing active modes

If you want to change which modes are active, open the Configuration view and in the MMDVMHost Configuration section, switch modes and cross modes on and off as wanted, and then apply changes.

MMDVMHost Configuration settings

7) Backing up and restoring Pi-Star

After you've done all the work of setting up Pi-Star just the way you want, it's a good idea to back it up. In Configuration view, click the Backup/Restore link.

Pi-Star Backup/Restore link

In the Backup/Restore view, click Download Configuration, and then choose a location to safely store your work so that if things ever get messed up you can easily restore your most recent working configuration.

Initiating a Pi-Star configuration backup or restore

Some settings are not backed up, so if you changed them to something other than their default, you'll find that they are set back to their default after you run a restore, for example:

8) Updating Pi-Star

Pi-Star update version
Standalone article: Updating and upgrading Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular
Related article: Updating hotspot firmware via Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular

One of the nice things about Pi-Star is that it's updated on a regular basis to add new features, options, and fixes, as well as to add hostfile updates that have been pulled from upstream sources (to view the changes, see GitHubOpen in new tab regular). There are three ways to update Pi-Star: one automated and two manual:

9) Upgrading Pi-Star

Pi-Star upgrade version
Standalone article: Updating and upgrading Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular
Related article: Updating hotspot firmware via Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular
Upgrading to V4.1? See Upgrading to Pi-Star V4.1Open in new tab regular

The less frequent Pi-Star version upgrades makes operating system-level changes to the system services and packages required to support new features. Both the update and upgrade processes automatically switch Pi-Star into Read-Write mode, so there's no need to switch manually.

  1. Use an app to SSH into Pi-Star and log in. Or you can use the Update and Upgrade links in the Expert Editor (see the following section).
  2. Begin with an update of the dashboard and binaries.
    In the SSH window:
    sudo pistar-update
    Or, click the Expert Editor's Update link.
    Allow the update process to run until you see:
    Updates complete, sleeping for a few seconds before making the disk Read-Only
  3. Next, upgrade the operating system, services, and packages.
    In the SSH window:
    sudo pistar-upgrade
    Or, click the Expert Editor's Upgrade link.
  4. Beginning with Pi-Star version 4.1.5 / Dashboard version 20210619: It's only necessary to run the Upgrade process once; the process now automatically upgrades all the way to the most recent version.
    Prior versions: Run the upgrade process as many times as needed until the system reports you are on the most recent version:
    You are already running the latest version…
    Sleeping a few seconds before making the disk Read-Only…
  5. It's a good idea to reboot the hotspot after upgrading.
    In the SSH windows:
    sudo reboot
    Or, open the Power view, and then click Reboot.
  6. The dashboard displays the current version number, for example, 3.4.16.

For more info about what's included in an upgrade: On the Pi-Star Downloads pageOpen in new tab regular, scroll down to the Change Log section.

10) Expert Editor: advanced Pi-Star configuration

If you are in Configuration view, you can click Expert to access the "Expert Editor," a set of advanced quick editors, full editors, and tools.

Pi-Star Expert Editor link

You'll be greeted by a **WARNING** message that you should pay attention to:

"Please keep in mind when making your edits here, that these config files can be updated by the dashboard, and that your edits can be over-written. It is assumed that you already know what you are doing editing the files by hand, and that you understand what parts of the files are maintained by the dashboard."

An additional note of caution: If you make changes to settings in the Expert Editor and click Apply Changes there, and then subsequently you make changes on the Configuration page and click Apply Changes there, your original changes in the Expert Editor might be reverted to their default settings. This is intentional behavior. Pi-Star is designed to be easy to use for users who won't normally use the Expert Editor. If you decide to use the Expert Editor, you'll be best served if you subsequently do all of your configuration via the Expert Editor.

The Expert Editor provides access to:

[4] MMDVMHost DMR Network Jitter setting note: There's a good explanation about this by Andy Taylor in the Pi-Star User Forum (edited slightly for clarity): "Jitter is the difference in round trip times [pings] between two points…. It's quite normal for the answers from each ping to vary slightly, this can happen for a whole load of reasons, but it's the difference between those times that is the jitter: too large = slight delay on the start of a transmission, so slow, choppy audio and higher BER (potentially). For audio packets to give you the best performance, you need two things: low round trip time (lower is always better, it's a function of bandwidth and distance) and steady jitter. If the software knows that you are using a master with high jitter it will attempt to account for it."

10a) Updating hotspot firmware via Pi-Star

It's possible to update the firmware of several hotspot boards via Pi-Star, including the ZUMspot. See the note: Performing firmware updates via Pi-StarOpen in new tab regular.

10b) Other advanced configuration notes

See Pi-Star notesOpen in new tab regular for other advanced configuration notes, including:

11) Rebooting or shutting down Pi-Star

For a graceful way to reboot or shut down your hotspot, click the Power link.

Pi-Star Power link

In the Power view, click Reboot or Shutdown. Give your hotspot a minute or two to complete rebooting or shutting down.

Initiating a Pi-Star reboot or shutdown

Note: When you have a modem like the ZUMspot mounted on a Raspberry Pi, after Pi-Star shutdown is complete, the modem will continue to flash its mode lights (because power is still flowing through the shut down RPi to the modem) until you actually turn off the power to the RPi.

Pi-Star notes >